Minimalist throughout, Metro City’s interface has been folded into the game proper to make them virtually indistinguishable. But while a peaceful balance is always evading the player, the game’s design never loses sight of it. Next, a diamond might appear, and then another circle, until eventually your city is bustling with symbols waiting impatiently at one station or another as you try optimize the number of lines and cars in search of an ever elusive equilibrium. Connect an existing square to a newly minted circle, and people from those two locations, in the form of various shapes, will be able to travel back and forth. Based around supply and demand, Mini Metro simply invites you to develop a network of routes and trains with limited resources in order to get people wherever they’re going.

#Play mini metro on macbook series
The byzantine compromises of other urban simulators are replaced by a series of straightforward trade-offs. A strategy that proved successful last game may not help you in the next. Random city growth, so each game plays out differently. Over two dozen real-world cities! Design subways for London, Paris, New York City, Osaka, Saint Petersburg, São Paulo, Istanbul, Auckland and many more! Each has a unique colour theme, set of obstacles, and pace. Build your metro exactly how you want to with the all-new Creative mode. Three game modes: Normal for quick scored games, Endless for stress-free sandbox play, and Extreme for the ultimate challenge. It doesn’t though, aye? You just gotta play it. Compelling, constructive, hectic, relaxed gameplay. How long the city keeps moving is up to you.